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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Programming: Who started?

Do you know who was the first programmer?

a) Eckert J
b) William Gibson
c) Ada lovelace
d) Mauchly J

Ans: Ada Lovelace, daughter of famous poet Lord Byron is considered asa first programmer. She wrote an algorithm to be executed on Charles Babbage’s computer.  The first computer program was related to to calculation of Bernoulli’s numbers. It is said that this program remain on paper only. Charles Babbage gave her another name “The Enchantress of Numbers”.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Random memory : The First Computer

Many years back when I studied Computer programming,  I was taught  that ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator) is the first digital computer. It was created by Eckert J P and Mauchly J. It took around 3 years. The purpose was to help in World War II against German forces. It was a huge machine.  It used about 20000 vacuum tubes,  70000 resistors, 10000 capacitors and 1500 relays.  It occupied about 1800 square feet.  It used huge amount of electricity about 200 kilo watts. It weighed about 30 tons. How much did it cost? Just about $4,87000 J It is 72 years old now. It was retired in a very young age and enjoys its retired life in Smithsonian Institution.
Later I found that ENIAC has elder siblings.  Some names to mention are:

  • Z1 (it has German citizenship), and it is almost ten years elder to ENIAC.
  • Colossus (British citizenship) was used for code breaking.
  • ABC (Atnasoff-Berry Computer) is of American origin.

ENIAC certainly has younger sibling and is ancestor of all computers we are using today and will use in future.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Asset-Centric Engineering

Asset Centric Engineering can be applied to
a)      Unified Process Development Methodology
b)      Scrum Methodology
c)       Extreme Programming Methodology
d)      Waterfall Methodology
e)      None of the above
f)       All of the above

Friday, December 30, 2016


Q: IS SOI (Service Oriented Integration) Reference Architecture a subset of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) reference Architecture?

a)  True
b)  False

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

SOA Capabilty Maturity Levels

SOA capability Maturity levels

Level - 0 No SOA : You have not pursued SOA Approach
Level - 1 AD HOC : You are just trying to play around with SOA
Level -2 Opportunistic : you are trying SOA for quick implementation, may be a demo
Level -3 Systematic : you are getting serious with SOA, consistent application with share and reuse Level - 4 Managed : you have step further, considering to drive business value
 Level - 5 Optimized : you are getting full benefit of SOA strategy, cost-effectiveness, business intiatives, standards, processes

Thursday, September 15, 2016

bool Data Type in C++

While making decisions, it is human to think in terms of true or false. In C Programming language false is represented by Zero value and true by Non-Zero. C++ introduced bool data type to hold true or false values.
Code example :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x=10,y=20;
    bool b=x>y;
    cout<<" x> y = "<<b<<endl;
    return 0;

On execution :

Even though  we can use keywords : true or false for assigning purposes to bool variable, the values stored in a bool variable for true is 1 and false is 0.

bool b=true;

The outcome is 1.

std::boolalpha function can be used for text values for bool type.  With boolalpha, cout statement will look like :
    cout<<" x> y = "<<std::boolalpha<<b<<endl; 
On execution :

boolalpha is a format flag...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Another way to convert an int to String

import java.util.Scanner;
public class IntToStrMethodsDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num;
        String str=intToStr(num);
    public static int readInt(){
        System.out.println("enter an int");
        return new Scanner(;
    public static String intToStr(int num){
        return ""+num;

Or use the code below :

String str = ""+new Scanner(;

It does the same